If it can work, then why not?

Nov 03, 2023

How do you create change?

What happens that finally makes you say, "That's enough. I am going to change this."

Ready? Here it is:

Decide and declare.

It's that simple.

Decide you're ready to do what it takes to enjoy life, be in good health, engage in strong loving relationships, and receive abundance. Decide to experience peace, joy, freedom, ease, and happiness.

Declare that you're willing.

You may have been paralyzed in fear, done nothing, avoided, ignored, or distracted yourself from the problem hundreds or thousands of times. You may have let thoughts like "I don't have enough time" or "I don't have enough money" hold you back.

You have the agency to create change by making a different decision, (no longer letting those limiting beliefs hold you back) taking a new inspired action (no longer paralyzed or stuck), and creating a different outcome (a life you truly love!)

I will be by your side, holding your hand, loving you, and supporting you along the way. But you know what I can't do for you?

Make the decision.

You are adequate and worthy of getting the support you need. Getting help is a strength, not a weakness. Asking for help is choosing not to give up on yourself. You can go farther and faster with help.

If you're struggling, it is possible to feel better. Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing the success stories of several of my current clients who recently completed a 6-week coaching program with me and experienced incredible results.

“I had a profound and immediate shift in my mood and outlook. If my anxiety was a 10, it’s now less than 1."

Below, my client Brooke shares her personal experience with coaching. Believe it's possible to feel better. If you're interested in exploring coaching, reply to this email, and let's set up a 20-minute Discovery Call.

If you feel reluctant to get the help you need, be curious... "if it can work, then why not?"

Imagine how you’d feel if you were equipped with simple proven tools to manage the complexities of your mind and cultivate more joy and ease.

My client Brooke was grieving the death of her husband and was in a transition between jobs. Her 40th birthday was approaching and she felt overwhelmed. We recently completed my 6-week coaching program, and she signed up to continue working together for another 6 weeks.

I asked Brooke what she might say to someone considering using my services, and how she'd explain our work or process to someone who may be going through the same challenges or similar obstacles. Here's what she has to say:

"I came to coaching because my mind has been overactive for my whole life, and with my grief journey, I knew I needed help to flip the page to a new chapter for myself. I wanted to shed my widow identity and figure out the next steps in my career after feeling lost.

I am now definitely on my own path to what I actually desire for my new life and that includes my career. I still have work to do, but I would never go back to doing it without Kelly’s coaching.

My biggest breakthrough so far was learning to let go of what has happened in the past and begin to hope for a better future. Coaching has also built my self-confidence and allowed me to create better boundaries in my life as I work to build the life I want.

I love the support that Kelly provides daily outside of actual coaching sessions. She makes me feel like I am never alone and she makes me feel understood even in my challenges.

I’d done some work before meeting Kelly so I wasn’t in the worst place, but I know that the coaching sessions have elevated me in a tangible way. I feel more confident, empowered, hopeful, positive, and grateful.

I see life in a different light. I used to feel more like “I can’t believe this is happening to me” but now I feel “OK this is happening, and I know I will be okay. I’ve survived so much, and whatever happens, the Universe has my back!"

I’d say I’ve gained a lot more mindfulness, and gratitude, and my compassion for others in daily life has grown even more.

My most specific result would be our work in September to reclaim the time for myself and create positive memories in a time that was filled with anxiety and trauma. Because of our work, I had the confidence to book a retreat (an idea I got from Kelly) and go to Paris after for my 40th birthday.

I love you forever Kelly Ryan!!!"

Hi, I'm Kelly. Your Empowerment Coach and Mindfulness Mentor. I am an experienced wellness leader, a former 18-year veteran of a successful commercial real estate career, a wife, a mom of 2 teens, a certified meditation teacher, a breathwork facilitator, an energy healer, and an empowerment coach.

I help high achievers manage the complexity of their minds and cultivate more joy and ease. If you'd like to explore whether my private program, Anchor Yourself Accelerator, is right for you let's connect. I combine empowerment coaching and mindfulness practices to help you create a life you love.


You can learn more about the program by clicking here, or book a free, no-obligation discovery call using the button below 


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