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World Peace Through Inner Peace

Dec 05, 2023
My favorite thing in the world is to share the practical spiritual tools that helped me make peace with myself, and help my clients find epic love, fulfillment, prosperity, joy, and ease. 
I believe that as we find our inner peace together, we contribute to world peace. I believe the point of spirituality is to be free and expand our capacity to love.
So I created an incredible 6-week Course proven to help high achievers better understand and manage the complexity of their mind, and cultivate more joy, spaciousness, flow, and confidence.
It's a simple step-by-step path that takes you by the hand and leads you to free your mind, relieve stress, pressure, and anxiety, and empower you to raise your vibration, authentically reach your full potential, and expand into your greatness.
A step-by-step process mapped out for you to understand how to use spiritual tools to unleash the flow of creative energy, generate abundance, and transform your relationships.
You'll learn how to shift into peace and relaxation anytime, anywhere, and step into full self-expression in all areas of life.
If you feel blocked, exhausted, bummed, overwhelmed, unclear, sad, or struggle with intrusive thoughts, you're gonna love the way you feel as you are forever changed by this experience.
6-Weeks to Calm and Centered connects you with your own inner wisdom, which always knows and always has known the exact next steps for you to create more freedom and expansiveness than you can imagine.
There's a way to higher ground and it's faster, easier, and more fun than you'd expect.
It starts with signing up for 6 Weeks to Calm and Centered. It's an intimate group course, **limited to 25 participants to ensure a highly customized experience and personalized care and attention for each participant.**


  • 12 LIVE WORKSHOPS that combine empowerment coaching, mindfulness, and energetic tools to accelerate your results and support you in relaxing your nervous system, practicing compassion, understanding and feeling your feelings, training your brain to feel peace, opening your heart, and manifesting a life you love

  • 2 PRIVATE COACHING SESSIONS designed to support you to break through to clarity, map out a clear path from where you are now to where you want to be, and celebrate and embody your learning, growth, expansion, and commitment to yourself! 

  • BONUS VISION SETTING 2024 ACTIVATION Clear Energy Blocks and Set Clear Intentions  (**sign up before 12/10 to receive this bonus!**)

  • LIVE COACHING and COMMUNITY CONNECTION during each workshop we will have community connection and ample opportunities to share, ask questions, and be curious together

  • TOOLKIT FOR LIFE access recorded meditations, and spiritual, and energy healing practices that are yours to support you through all of life's ups and downs  Isn't it fun to think that when you enroll in this course, you will turn your investment into a lifetime of knowing you have a Toolkit of Pathways to Peace at your fingertips as you navigate the rest of your life?

Some of you have been considering working with me for a minute... if that's you, here's the question: If you don't take the opportunity to work with me live for 6 weeks, where will you be as you kick off 2024?
Where could you be by February 12 if you take my hand and we walk side by side on this journey to accelerate your personal growth and skyrocket you towards your heart's desires?
Let yourself be curious about this and feel into it for a minute. Is it worth finding out?
I will be right there with you every step of the way, giving you the support, encouragement, and tools, holding you to your vision and desires. You can do this, {{ first_name }}. You can walk into 2024 with clarity and the support from me and an incredible community of like minded peers to cheer you on in living your best life! It starts HERE. Let's go!

Hi, I'm Kelly. Your Empowerment Coach and Mindfulness Mentor. I am an experienced wellness leader, a former 18-year veteran of a successful commercial real estate career, a wife, a mom of 2 teens, a certified meditation teacher, a breathwork facilitator, an energy healer, and an empowerment coach.

I help high achievers manage the complexity of their minds and cultivate more joy and ease. If you'd like to explore whether my private program, Anchor Yourself Accelerator, is right for you let's connect. I combine empowerment coaching and mindfulness practices to help you create a life you love.


You can learn more about the program by clicking here, or book a free, no-obligation discovery call using the button below 


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