New Year's Intention Ritual Gift

Jan 02, 2024
Happy New Year! The new year is a perfect time for a fresh start and a new beginning. It's a great time to slow down, rest, nourish, and reflect on the past year. 

I'd like to offer a complimentary New Year's Intention Ritual that I love. I encourage you to take time for this ritual today or sometime this week.


Start your ritual with celebration! It's worthwhile to look back at the past year and reflect. Celebration creates the most powerful momentum because it's a state of gratitude and appreciation for life.

✨What were the top three highlights of 2023?

✨What were some of the best decisions you made in 2023

✨What were some of the most difficult aspects of 2023, what did you learn about yourself, and how did you grow and expand as a result of them?


💗 What would you like to release and not take with you into the new year? Write a list of everything that you want to let go of from 2023 - habits, behaviors, limiting beliefs, fears, physical conditions, feelings of resentment, conflicts, or thoughts that don’t serve you.

💗 Thank all those items on that list for having been with you and for all the lessons learned and ways you grew from them.

💗 Make a clear statement of letting go “I now let go of all these things and anything else that no longer serves me as I step into an incredible 2024."


Intentions are different than goals or resolutions. They are about who you will BE to show up for your dreams and goals. Watch this video where I share more about the powerful practice of setting intentions, and lead you through a guided meditation to set intentions for 2024.
In this video, I take you through a guided visualization to tap into your inner knowing, imagine yourself already having exactly what you want to manifest in 2024, and get crystal clear on your intentions!
Now you are clear on what intentions and visions you want to bring to life this year! 

Consider what kind of support you need to actually bring them to life. 

If you're curious to learn more about how mindfulness and empowerment coaching can support you, take action now and book a complimentary discovery call. It’s a no-obligation 20-minute call with me to explore how you can get the transformative results you want.

I hope that you enjoyed this ritual! Thanks for joining me. May all that is beautiful, meaningful, and brings you joy be yours today and throughout the year.

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